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Wilco van Esch

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    Portrait of Wilco

    Hi, I'm Wilco.

    I help teams deliver quality at pace. My tools are context-appropriate quality engineering, Lean software development principles, and practical empathy. My other interests include strategy games, early modern history, disaster forensics, and metacognition.

    Find me on LinkedIn.

    My latest personal project:

    Visualising garden colours using R

    Some of my recent articles:

    1. 11 Jul 2024
      Resolving a unique id constraint violation in PostgreSQL
    2. 17 Jun 2024
      Differences in test automation for desktop versus web
    3. 8 Jun 2024
      The economic reality in Lego themes
    4. 10 May 2024
      The paradox of efficiency in risk-based testing
    5. 27 Apr 2024
      Add a second occlusion area in a tileset tile in Godot
    All articles →