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Wilco van Esch

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    Differences in test automation for desktop versus web

    What can you expect when you're used to writing test automation for web applications and may now be involved in writing tests for desktop applications?

    Desktop automation

    • You may have to deal with a splash screen. Solution: poll until you can access the main application window.
    • Windows versus macOS. Different UI controls and ability to access them. Test frameworks may only support one OS.
    • Custom UI controls and third-party UI controls. Test frameworks may offer partial or no support.
    • No headless mode. For headless execution you could use a virtual machine or a display server.
    • No implicit wait between application controls, you likely will have to implement your own polling.
    • For element selection, you'd be looking for AccessibilityId or element type + name rather than data-test attributes.
    • There may be web controls within the desktop application, with data exchanged between desktop and web.
    • The installer may have many permutations, for different languages, OSes, and different package contents.
    • Desktop UI automation frameworks are very limited compared to web frameworks, and the most maintained ones are rather pricey.
    • Slower pipeline execution, due to needing to render all the actual resource-intensive UI and go through native OS APIs.

    Note that for many of these considerations, the solution might not involve the desktop UI test framework itself, but rather a separate test harness or set of unit or integration tests.