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Wilco van Esch

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    How Multi Source Inventory (MSI) works in Magento 2.3+

    Example view of Quantity per Source and Salable Quantity for a product:

    Name Quantity Per Source Salable Quantity
    Product X Warehouse X: 100 UK: 185
    Dropship A: 50 DE: 180
    Dropship B: 20 AT: 180
    Dropship C: 10 CH: 180
    Dropship D: 0
    Brick store: 5

    Explanation (Quantity per Source)

    • This particular store setup uses separate Websites and Store Views per locale
    • The Salable Quantity for each locale combines stock from Sources which have been set for that locale
    • In this example, UK ships from every Source, so 100 + 50 + 20 + 10 + 5 = 185
    • The other stores ship from everything except the physical store, so 100 + 50 + 20 + 10 = 180

    After a customer orders 1 Product X from the AT store, but before it has been shipped:

    Name Quantity Per Source Salable Quantity
    Product X Warehouse X: 100 UK: 184
    Dropship A: 50 DE: 179
    Dropship B: 20 AT: 179
    Dropship C: 10 CH: 179
    Dropship D: 0
    Brick store: 5
    • This reservation reduces Salable Quantity by 1 for all stores connected to the same Source
    • If Out of Stock Threshold has a positive value, it is subtracted from Salable Quantity

    After the order has been shipped:

    Name Quantity Per Source Salable Quantity
    Product X Warehouse X: 99 UK: 184
    Dropship A: 50 DE: 179
    Dropship B: 20 AT: 179
    Dropship C: 10 CH: 179
    Dropship D: 0
    Brick store: 5
    • Now that the order has been shipped, the reservation is removed and the stock is reduced
    • The stock is reduced at the Source which is the highest priority in the configuration and has stock
    • Reservations which do not lead to shipments (order cancelled, for example) are removed once daily

    Out of Stock Threshold setting

    Products -> Catalog (under Inventory) -> Product X -> Advanced Inventory (under Quantity):

    Out of Stock Threshold setting


    Salable Quantity = Source A stock - Reservations + Source B stock - Reservations (and so on in case of more Sources) - Out of Stock Threshold setting.