Before you can get started you will need:
- The WSDL document describing the web service, e.g.
- Any required credentials to access the web services
- Any additional parameter test values you may need to send along with your requests (e.g. If you're going to access a method for finding a user by their member id, you'll of course need member id test values).
- In SoapUI, start a new project
- In the SoapUI project, load in the WSDL to retrieve the API endpoints and automatically generate requests
- For each SOAP request, in the Request Properties select a path for Dump File so as to store the response
- Execute the SOAP requests
- Verify the responses are as expected
The resultant response logs are your baseline.
After an update takes place which shouldn't affect the web service:
- Ensure you've moved the previous results to a separate location, so that you won't override them
- Re-run the same suite of SOAP requests
- Verify the responses returned match your baseline responses
Also useful:
Creating a dynamic Dump File path
- Select your TestSuite
- Go to Custom Properties
- Add a new Property
- Add Property Name: OutputPath
- Add Property Value: path to your project workspace, e.g. C:/SoapUI/ClientAPI/
- For each Test Step where you want to save the response to file:
- Select the Test Step
- Go to TestRequest Properties
- For the Dump File property, enter ${#TestSuite#OutputPath}${}.xml (reads the OutputPath property in the Test Suite scope, appends the name of the current request, and appends an extension)
Now when you execute a Test Cases, files will be generated in the selected location.