Muster Book

Muster Book was envisioned as a naval archive, listing ship crews from the earliest known data to the present.

Each ship would list each member of its crew and each crew member would in turn list each ship they had served on from most recent down, similar to how IMDB (the Internet Movie DataBase) lists actors for films and films for actors.

The project was built using Django, the Python web framework.
Area of project | Used |
Programming language | Python 3.4 |
Development framework | Django 1.8 |
Database | PostgreSQL 9.3 |
Database driver | Psycopg2 |
Search | Haystack |
Search engine | ElasticSearch 1.5.2 |
Contact form | Envelope |
Image management | easy-thumbnails , django-image-cropping |
Image library | Pillow 2.7.0 (PIL) |
Improved slug field | django-autoslog |
Hosting OS | CentOS 6 (64-bit) |

The screenshots show the data is incomplete. The time and cost involved in consulting multiple sources of historical archives, online and offline, to verify each fact proved to be too demanding. This, plus the time it would have taken to get the back-end and front-end to a place where I could be happy with it, ultimately made me decide to take the project offline.

My ambition was also to add all known naval battles and skirmishes, with the most salient facts summarised for each participating vessel.

Ships listed each of the main weapons in their armament, and main weapons listed what ships they were used on.

Bio pages additionally included facts and quotes, to provide colour and content, and sources.